Roof gantries and walkways for safe roof access


Falls from height continue to be the biggest single cause of workplace deaths in the UK. Health and safety regulations give a duty to all parties to ensure installers and operators are always protected in the line of duty. Our bespoke mobile gantries limit the risk of injury to contractors and operators. Our systems protect the operator from injury when performing roof maintenance or cleaning operations.


Gantries can be manufactured specific to client requirements, variable roof sizes and pitches can be accommodated and integrated with bespoke walkways. Permanent or temporary Systems can be supplied complete or flat packed depending on site access restrictions. Our unique track and trolley system allow inverted V and man safe gantries to roll easily and safely.


We have supplied permanent mobile gantries predominantly to the rail industry for the cleaning and maintenance of roof glazing. Many innovative systems have been developed giving operatives the ability to move and load materials such as new glass for key maintenance tasks in a safe and controlled manner.


Gantries and walkways are designed and calculated for the required live and dead load whilst also taking environmental factors such as seasonal wind and snow loadings into account.

Platforms and walkways can be static, mobile or suspended. We manufacture under BS EN 1090 for permanent solutions which allows all products to be CE marked to demonstrate high quality standards and product longevity.


Jasper Products also provide mobile platforms and walkways for temporary access solutions. These are typically supplied to major construction firms and can be designed and produced for differing load situations. Please see Case Study: Mobile Access and Lifting Gantries for details on a project recently completed for Vinci Construction at Barton Square, Manchester.


The aesthetics can also be an important factor and are always considered here at Jasper Products.


Our internal design team will work with the client and local authorities to ensure that compliant products, being walkways or gantries, are consistently produced.

Case Studies

Looking for an innovative solution for your difficult access problem?